Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Dissection of Visual Communication

I respond best to visual communication. I feel that because I avoid confrontation at all costs, that when communicating with others, short and simple works best with me. If I get into a conversation that starts to get confrontational, using an image to express what I am trying to say often works much better with me.
With the use of symbols and images, people are often able to get their message across to others in a direct way. Sometimes people have trouble expressing what they are trying to say especially when it is a conversation or topic that may not be so easily expressed in words. Some are better at communicating with words and others with visuals. These visuals can include text as well.
I have found that on social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram, people post Memes which are often humorous images with text and images that spread on the internet to get a certain point or idea across to others. Instead of arguing about a topic such as police brutality for example, which has been in the midst of many debates around the world, posting a Meme or image with text involved, could cause a much better reaction and may even change someone’s opinion. Visuals can speak louder than spoken words.
 Instagram is a company that is all about visual communication. Users communicate with others by uploading and sharing videos and pictures that express views, opinions, thoughts, emotions/feelings, etc. Visuals are what drive this website and make it different from other social media websites.
The Nike brand is also huge on visual communication. The check mark symbol is used to represent the Nike brand which is connected to their slogan "Just do it." The brand and slogan appeals to athletes and everyone around the world because this symbol and slogan is tied directly to the Nike brand that is so widely advertised. This symbol is so visually appealing because the check mark is used to represent checking something off a to-do-list for example and the slogan "just do it" is a motivational tactic. This motivation is tied directly to athletes because the Nike brand sells mostly athletic wear.
McDonalds is another company that uses symbolic means to attract customers to their business. The big "M" is so widely recognized around the world. People could see this symbol on a sign driving by on the highway or from miles away in the distance and instantly recognize that McDonalds is near. The colors that are used to advertise McDonalds are mainly yellow and red. Mustard and ketchup are used as condiments. By using these visual colors, consumers don’t even realize that this technique causes their brain to crave McDonalds.

There's a method behind the madness that is advertising. Whether visually or spoken communication, the method is designed to draw you in as consumers to buy or use a product. By becoming educated on how this is done, the more control you start to have over others minds.